Studio Opolis LLC | Less is … less.
© 2014
September 1, 2011
by soadmin

Less is … less.

Marketing is storytelling. Too often, marketers, advertisers, designers and pundits give people just enough information to elicit an emotional response (usually something primal, like fear, greed, hunger or lust). They then present the recipient with an easy solution that will either eliminate or enhance that emotional response—or so the claim goes.

All too often, however, their solution isn’t the best solution for you—it’s the best solution for them.

Deserve a break today? Go to McDonalds.

Hungry? Grab a Snickers.

Sad? Open happiness (with a Coke).

To be fair, I enjoy McD’s, Snickers and the occasional Coca-Cola. But I rarely feel like any of these have given me a break or made me a happier person. And though I have grabbed both McDonalds and Snickers to sate hunger pains, afterwards I’m more likely to feel sick, not satisfied.

Less may sell more. But it tends to satisfy less.


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